Overriding the View.GONE assignment with the View.INVISIBLE

The following are Jave code examples for showing how to use setVisibility() of the android.widget classes. Overriding the View.GONE assignments

How to create dynamic string in Android with example

Method for add some dynamic value to any string either value can string or integer. First of all create a resource in your string.xml.

Spinner with search option in android - with example

Hello, Let's see the above example for your awesome dropdown list to search. Searchable Spinner is a dialog spinner with the search feature which allows to...

Passing data to Activity and Fragment in Android - Example

Sometimes we need to send some valuable data to another activity or fragment, So, when passing data to an activity or a fragment in Android, the Bundle

Grid In Android with RecyclerView with Complete Guide

RecyclerView is a powerful tool to draw lists or grids in your android application, When RecyclerView is not there then the user needs GridView for the grid.

Listview In Android with RecyclerView - Complete Guide

The best way to create list in your Android application with the recycular view adopter. Just click on the link to know how to implement.