I know what you’re thinking. With so many options, how can a blogger decide which theme to use in his blog design? Easy. Just think about the 6 factors listed below to make sure you choose a more suitable WordPress theme for your project.
6 keys to knowing how to choose a WordPress theme that perfectly serves the interests of your digital project.
1 – Functionality
What functions do you want your blog to have? Setting up a membership site is not the same as setting up a corporate blog. To turn your blog into the base of operations of your business, you must pay special attention to this point.
You are going to invest in a digital asset so look for it to be flexible and scalable, allowing you to do what you want to do. That is why it is important that you define your goals.
2 – Additional customization
And if you want to give a differentiating touch to your blog? All WordPress themes allow for customizations far beyond the demos that vendors present on their sales pages.
You should choose a WordPress template that you really like, but later you will surely ask for something more. For example, changing the fonts, colors, some tweaking of the CSS style sheet … Look for a theme that allows you to customize it to the maximum.
3 – Layout
The ‘layout’ also influences the flexibility of your blog. There are themes that have a sidebar, others that have two, others that allow you to place a slider or slide show … Think about what you want to offer on your blog:
- Are you going to put advertising or banners?
- Is the content of your blog going to be visual or text type?
- Are you going to need a specific ‘landing page’ format integrated into the theme or do you prefer a third-party tool for this purpose?
If you can, thoroughly analyze the demos of the providers that you like the most, to see if that is what you need.
4 – Look for designs you like
A smart way to choose a WordPress theme is to search for blogs with designs that you like. Make a list of the ones you like the most, and then you can do the following to find out which theme they are using:
Find the contact page and send a message to the blogger whose design you liked asking him what theme he uses. Usually, he will tell you and it will serve as a link for some kind of further collaboration.
Another thing you can do is look at the footer of the blog. There they usually put the credits and among them the template that the blog uses.
This is already for note. Go to the blog whose design has caught your attention. My browser is Google Chrome, and by pressing Ctrl + U (Windows) or Cmd + Alt + U (Mac) you can see the source code of the blog. Once this is done, search the code for a sequence similar to http://www.YourDomain.com/wp-content/themes/Template-Name.
This way you will know the name of the template that you liked.
5 – Take a walk through other blogs
Imagine that you have already chosen your theme. Look for other blogs that work with the template you have chosen. Invest a little of your time browsing those blogs, test their functionalities from the user’s point of view, check the main pages (Home, About, Contact, etc.).
Do not cut yourself. Contact the template provider and tell them to indicate 4 or 5 blogs that you can view and that they have chosen their template. Any provider would be happy to provide you with this information.
6 – Design elements
Consider customizing design elements such as color, fonts, and image sizes before making your decision. There are templates in which it is very easy to make these changes, however in others it is much more complicated. Here your decision will depend on your technical skills and your desire to complicate your life.
For more information on how to create a website with a premium WordPress theme
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