Autofit grid layout Recyclerview
Recycler view is the powerfull android tool to create a list as well as a grid in android. Nowadays, the Autofit grid layout RecyclerView is trending just because
How to use TabLayout in ViewPager with RecyclerView
ViewPagers are used to swipe through pages of data. It’s generally used in conjunction with fragments. In this tutorial, we’ll be implementing a ViewPager under the TabLayout.
Android Session Management using Shared Preferences
Android allows storing data in a number of formats. But, we do android user session management using Shared Preferences, just because of shared preferences
Android Collapsing Toolbar With Image
This pattern of Collapsing Toolbar Layout is a popular scrolling technique. In familiar terms, you can see this on several apps with a profile detail screen.
Navigation drawer layout with an event listener
The navigation drawer can be implemented by using the Drawer Layout widget. In the layout of your activity, you should define the DrawerLayout element.
In apps update android example without play store
If you want to update your app from internal storage then In apps update android example for you. You can update your app automatically without updating from play store.