How to show Toast in Android

If you want to show any message to the user then you need to show toast in android. This toast is just like a snack bar. You can also make a custom toast.

Start Another Activity In Same App

Now we are going to learn how to open another activity in the android application. In other languages, I can say how to navigate to another page in the android application.

How to display animated image in android

How to use animated image or gif image in android

Determine if device have an Internet Connection

Some of the most programmers set alarm base background services are to schedule regular updates of application for offline data synchronization. In that case I think programmers should use the BroadcastReceiver for better results. There's no need to sched

How to call a method after a delay with handler

Hi, sometimes we need to execute my method or we can say my function after a time delay. In that situation what can I do? So the answer is - Use Handler() for that. It's so simple, you can create an Object of Handler() method or you can use directly. Let'

How To Call Native Java Methods From Webview Javascript

When any developer developing an Android app based on Webview, that time developer faces a number of problems. So, this post is based on one of that issue, which is - How to call native Java methods from Webview Javascript.