If you want to learn how to start a blog in 2024, so you can grow an audience and make money, you’ve come to the right place. Legend Blogs help you to start your blog as soon as possible.
Hi there, my name is Amit Pandey. I’ve been blogging for more than four years and I love every moment and stage of it. Blogging helped me to find my alternate job.
In 2024 when you search for "How to create a blog" or "How to start a blog" then a lot of results on the search result. Few articles will help you and a few articles create confusion on it.
So, My free guide on this page will show you how to create a blog that is beautiful and functional, all in an easy step-by-step tutorial.
Why Are You Starting a Blog?
We all start blogs for different reasons – someone starts to make money, to create an audience around a topic we’re passionate about, to enhance our writing skills – the list is endless because there is no limit of interest.
If you have decided to start a blog and earn name, fame, and money then read the steps given below:
STEP 1 – Choose your Blog topic (niche)
First of all, To start and run a successful blog, you have to select the right niche for your blog. Niche means, any topic for your content.
If you’re not sure what to blog about, there are a few ways to find a good blog topic:
Hobbies & passions.
Blog about something you enjoy. Hobbies or other interests you are passionate about are a great place to start. Cooking, travel, fashion, sports, and cars are all classic examples.
Life experiences
In life, everyone has lessons they have learned through life experience. Sharing this knowledge can be incredibly helpful to others in similar situations. Make sure you have plenty to talk about.
A personal blog
A personal blog is a blog all about you. This will include a variety of topics, from things you do on a daily basis, to random thoughts and musings. This is a great way to share your thoughts with the world without having to stick to just one topic. Don’t worry about this, just come up with a unique angle.
STEP 2 – Choose a Blog Name (Domain Name)?
If you have decided on your topic (niche) for your blog, Then now you have solved the very very biggest issue of your blogging journey. Really, This stage is very critical to find out your relevant topic for the blog.
Suppose you have decided "example" as your blog topic, then your domain name must have that word of your selected blog topic.
Then your domain name something look like - www.example.com
Dot (.) com is the domain extension for any URL. This extension can be a com, org, net, online, or something else whatever you want.
The best practice and highly recommended domain extensions are com, org, net.
Click on above link to buy your domain name as your have decided.
Get Domain name in very Low Price
STEP 3 – Choose the Right Blogging Platform
According to me, Steps 3 is based on your pocket money and your seriousness of blogging career.
First, decide – Free Blog or Self-Hosted blog?
Free Blog
In the free blog, you don't need to invest any money in your blogging career. But, Free means Free. In the free blog concept, you can choose a Google Blogger Platform to start your blog.
You can start this blog absolutely Free, but you'll have limited access and limited feature as compare to Self-hosted Blogs.
If you don't want to spend your money or if you don't have enough money to buy the Self-hosted blog then watch this video series to create your Blog absolutely free.
Watch this video to Start Your Blog Free
However, if you are serious about blogging, the free blogging platform is not a way to go. The solution for this is to host your blog yourself.
In a self-hosted blog, you can get your own design, layout, and much more control over the entire blog. Also, you can add many more features to it.

You can start your blog on WordPress CMS (Content Management System) or you can choose Legend Blogs CMS to manage your content with lots of features in free.
STEP 4 – Set up your blog through web hosting (and register domain name)
After choosing a domain name, selecting a reliable hosting service will be one of the most important decisions you make. If you’re not familiar with the term, a “web host” is kind of like a warehouse for websites on the Internet.
What is Web Hosting?
If you want to have a blog or website you will need to find a reliable web host. When someone visits your blog they are actually accessing the files stored on the servers at the web hosting company. The wrong web host can cause many problems with your blog.
Most hosting companies will also provide you a free domain for the first year when you buy their services.

Select your web hosting from Hostinger. Hostinger is like one of those hole-in-the-wall restaurants that’s both affordable and really freaking good, and it’s quite possibly the best web host out there for beginner bloggers.
Get Web Hosting at a very Low Price
Here are a few of our favorite features:
- A technical support team knowledgeable in WordPress
- A built-in Content Delivery Network (CDN) to speed up your site
- Free SSL certificates (so Google will know your site can be trusted)
- Daily backups (so you never lose your data)
STEP 5 – Install WordPress or Legend Blogs CMS
You can’t start a blog without blogging software. I run few blogs on WordPress and few blogs on Legend Blogs CMS. You read this article on Legend Blogs CMS.

You have several different choices for blogging platforms, but we like WordPress for beginners. Not only is it totally free, but it’s easy to learn, offers a wide variety of themes, and has an online community and abundance of plugins that make blogging accessible to everybody.
If you want to choose Legend Blogs CMS then buy it from above link.
STEP 6 – Select a theme and design your blog
For now, you’ll need to pick your first WordPress theme. WordPress is the foundation of your site. There’s an easy way to change how WordPress looks without having to code anything yourself.
I usually choose something that looks professional and pretty easy to customize. WordPress also has this awesome feature that allows you to change themes with just a few clicks.
So if you start getting tired of your current blog template, you can just switch to another one without losing any precious content or images.
You can select any theme in WordPress as you want and as you like.
If you like Legend Blogs website layout (design) then you can also use this layout in the WordPress theme. You can get this Legend Blogs WordPress Theme then click on the above link get at a reasonable price.
Download Legend Blogs WordPress
STEP 7 – Publish your must-have pages
Generate these most important pages for Adsense approval. About Us, Contact Us, Privacy Policy, Disclaimer, Terms, and conditions. These pages help you to approve your Adsense account for Earn Mony
In WordPress, you can publish Posts or Pages. Posts are individual articles. Pages are used for general site information like your Home, About, and Contact pages.
If you are building a blog, you’ll likely need at least some of the following pages:
- About. Explains how you help and who you are. (Included in Astra Starter Templates.)
- Contact. to let people contact you directly. Information about how people can communicate with you and where you live on social media.
- Privacy policy. Reassure readers you will keep their information private.
- Disclosure policy. Inform visitors you make money, hope to make money, or have compensated relationships with others.
You can create these pages in a few seconds by using the Legend Blogs Page Generator Tool. Click on the above link to create your pages now free of cost.
Legend Blogs Page Generator Tool
By using this Legend Blogs Page Generator Tool you will able to approve your Adsense account easily.
STEP 8 – Install WordPress plugins
WordPress plugins are little batches of software you can install within WordPress to get extra functionality. This is how you’ll add a bunch of extra features to your site without having to code anything yourself.
According to me, you have just created a new WordPress blog and wondering what are the best WordPress plugins you should need to install? If the answer is YES, then clicked on the correct URL. Because In this article I’ll explain the top 10 free WordPress plugins for bloggers.
Top 10 free WordPress plugins for bloggers
Top 10 free WordPress plugins for bloggers
- JetPack by WordPress.com
- Yoast SEO
- W3 Total Cache
- OneSignal Push Notifications
- Smart Slider 3
- WordFence Security
- Google Analytics Dashboard
- Table of Contents Plus
- Social Icons Widget
- Lockdown WP Admin
STEP 9 – Write Your First Blog Post (Start Writing)
It’s time to start writing blog posts. Taking ideas in your head, turning them into words on the screen, and sharing them with the world.
Many new bloggers have a general idea of what they want to write about, but don’t know exactly what to write for their first posts.
Don’t forget you’re writing for the web, so your style should be different than if you were writing for print. Keep your tone conversational, use “you” phrases to speak to the reader, and break up text with bullet points and sub-headers.
STEP 10 – Monetized Blog and Earn Money
Monetization is the process of translating your blog activity into earnings. You should keep in mind that blogging isn’t just about making money.
Blogging is about creating useful content that will attract readers and make them come back for more.
Blog monetization channels
How can you monetize a blog? There are several options from which to choose.
- Running ads on your blog
- Enrolling in affiliate programs
Frequently Asked Questions - FAQ
What is a blog?
A blog is a type of website with posts (articles with complete information about something). The newest ones are usually displayed first.
Can I start a blog for free?
Yes, but there are limitation. Read this post, Can I Start a Blog for Free?
Why start a blog?
Lots of reasons to start a blog, Here are a few popular reasons:
- Make money working from home. I am also making a full-time income blogging. Many bloggers do the same.
- Just write. The reason is simple: it’s a lot easier to sell books to people who already know you. A blog is a perfect way to become known.
- Help your business or organization. A blog helps businesses and organizations reach a lot of people at little cost.
How much money can you make from a blog?
Every beginner wants to know, how much money can I make from a blog and when it's started.
Make sure, treat your blogs like a part-time job you should start making money ($50 or less) around 6 months and a solid part-time income ($500-$1000) around 12 months.
So, My suggestion is to keep working hard and have patience. After a few days (a minimum of three months) you can start to earn money.
How much does a blog cost?
If you follow the steps above which I have mentions over there, it works out to $3 to $7 a month when paid annually. Not bad for your own website, right? I blogged for years on this budget.
(1) Comments
Thank you sir for guidance to choose best niche. Thank you.
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