How to force Laravel Project to use HTTPS for all routes? - (Laravel force https)

Hey friend, are you facing an issue of not secure a URL. Then don't worry about this, the best solution of How to force Laravel redirect HTTP to HTTPS in Laravel 8.x, 9.x and 10.x and more upcoming Laravel versions.

10+ Secrets : How to rank website on google first page

Ranking your any website on Google's first page can be a challenging task, but there are some steps you can take to increase your chances of achieving this goal:

What is a Googlebot and how does it work?

What is a Googlebot and how does it work? ok, Let me describe to you in detail now. No webpage (blog/website) can be indexed into a search engine until and unless it gets crawled by Google robots.

How to Remove Year And Month from Blogger URL

Yes, it is possible to remove a year and month from the blogger post URL. Removing a date from the blogger post URL will make your website URL like WordPress URL. This will make your post URL professional URL like a WordPress site.

What is plagiarized content and why it affects negatively in SEO?

If you are an online writer and have been working for a while now, it is impossible that the term “plagiarism” hasn’t passed from your sight.

11 Essential Factors to Consider While Choosing the Best SEO Company

Choosing the best SEO company is not an easy task. You need to keep in mind various factors like their expertise, cost-effectiveness and client satisfaction before deciding.