How to replace whole word with Word Boundaries in Java?

How to replace whole word with Word Boundaries in Java?

If you want to replace the whole word with the word boundaries in a string. For this, we use "\b" regular expression token which is called a word boundary. It usually matches at the start or the end of a word.

How to replace a word in a sentence in java

You just need to place the word between word boundaries


package com.legendblogs.test;
public class TestApps {
      *@param args
    public static void main(String[] args){
        String s = "A man is an Ironman like manpower";
        //It will replace if the first character is a word character or not
        String d = s.replaceAll("\\bman", "tony");
        //It will replace if  if the last character is a word character or not
        String b = s.replaceAll("man\\b", "tony");
        //It will replace whole word only
        String c = s.replaceAll("\\bman\\b", "tony");


A tony is an Ironman like tonypower
A tony is an Irontony like manpower
A tony is an Ironman like manpower

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